Radiology Coding Alert

CPT® 101:
Examine These DXA Scan Scenarios
Do you need multiple codes for DXA and VFA scans? Radiologists use dual-energy X-ray abs... Read more
Modifier Mania:
4 Tips to Help You Differentiate Modifiers 76 and 77
Pay attention to which provider repeats the service. It's a common occurrence: Your radi... Read more
Fight for Your Right to Appeal and Win
Insurance companies aren't advocating for your office; that's your job. During her HEALT... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Report Repeated Fetal Biophysical Profiles for a Twin Pregnancy
Question: I have a report for a patient who is pregnant with twins. The radiologist p... Read more
Reader Questions:
Measure Minor, Moderate, and Major Splenic Lacerations
Question: A patient presented to an emergency department (ED) with complaints of abdo... Read more
Reader Questions:
Is Low Back Pain a Symptom of Spondylolisthesis?
Question: A senior patient presented to a radiology practice with chronic low back pa... Read more
Reader Questions:
Don’t Feel Anxious About Coding Stress Views
Question: I have a report that states the radiologist performed a four-view unilatera... Read more
Reader Questions:
Always Remain HIPAA Compliant
Question: One of the physicians in my practice demands we use a sign-in sheet — the... Read more
Reader Questions:
Get the Skinny on Medicare Overpayment Timeline
Question: We've heard that Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) says we... Read more
Identify Key Knee Injury Diagnosis Codes
How do primary and secondary OA differ? The knee bears the weight of the human body and ... Read more
Don’t Skimp on HIPAA Sanction Policymaking, Feds Warn
Tip: Ensure employees receive training equivalent to their duties. Stopping a data breac... Read more
Avoid These 8 Common Medicare Billing Errors to Keep Pay Flowing
Watch those dates of service, MAC addresses, and more. Your provider documented a claim... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Solve This Swollen Leg Coding Case
Question: A patient presented with swelling from their left knee down to their foot a... Read more
Reader Questions:
Ask for More Information for Pelvic US Code Selection
Question: I have a radiology report for a female patient that lists the procedure as ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Medicare Ups Conversion Factor … Slightly
Question: Has there been any change to the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) co... Read more
Reader Questions:
Deduce the Correct 7th Character for an Elbow Fracture
Question: A patient presented to our radiology practice for a follow-up appointment o... Read more
CPT® 101:
Don’t Go to Extremes Coding Upper Extremity MRIs
Review the guidelines to know which contrast administration counts. Radiologists use mag... Read more
Acknowledge the Need for Strong Relationships with Payers
Getting glimpses of the payer experience is a good first step. While providers may not b... Read more
Modifier Mania:
Recognize When to Modify Radiology Codes With 26 and TC
Do you need 26/TC for professional- or technical-only codes? Radiologists often perform... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Count the Number of These X-Ray Views Correctly
Question: We received a radiology report where the provider captured bilateral hip X-... Read more
Reader Questions:
Report Complete and Limited Abdominal Ultrasounds on the Same DOS
Question: I have two separate imaging reports for procedures performed on the same da... Read more
Reader Questions:
Evaluate This Bilateral Rib X-ray Fracture Encounter
Question: After a level-four office evaluation and management (E/M) service for an es... Read more
Reader Questions:
Is Disc Degeneration the Same as a Disc Bulge? Find out.
Question: A 55-year-old patient presented to an outpatient radiology practice for X-... Read more
CPT® 101:
Stretch Your Spinal X-ray Coding Knowledge
Plus, improve your view type understanding. As a radiology coder, you're sure to see a fa... Read more
Identify Which Image Tests are Needed for Urinary Stone Dx
Remember to use one code for abdominal and pelvic CT scans. Regardless of whether your ra... Read more
Protect Patient Privacy While Deploying New Tech
Add HC3 to your list of helpful healthcare acronyms. As new technologies are deployed to... Read more
Reader Questions:
Code Fluoroscopy Procedures Longer Than 60 Minutes Correctly
Question: I have a radiology report in my workflow that states the provider performe... Read more
Reader Questions:
Choose Between Screening and Dense Breast Codes for AB-MRI Exams
Question: A patient presented for a screening breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)... Read more
Reader Questions:
Familiarize Yourself With Breast Ultrasound Documentation Guidelines
Question: I have a radiology report stating the provider captured “ultrasound imag... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Nail Down the Correct Nephrostogram Code
Question: We received a claim denial for a nephrostogram procedure. We billed for the... Read more
CPT® 101:
Refresh Your Arthrography Coding Knowledge
Find out which hip code to report with anesthesia. When traditional joint X-rays don't s... Read more
Industry News:
Learn How Prior Authorizations Will Change Over the Next 3 Years
Receive urgent decisions within 72 hours. On Feb. 8, 2024, the Centers for Medicare &... Read more
Practice Management:
Use These Medicare Signature Tips to Stay Compliant
Make sure to resolve questionable signatures before submitting your claim. If your radio... Read more
Reader Questions:
Avoid These Alternative Modifiers for Repeat Facial Bone X-ray
Question: Following a fall, a patient presented to a radiology office for X-rays of t... Read more
Reader Questions:
Learn the Magic Quadrant Number for a Complete Abdominal US
Question: I have a report for an abdominal ultrasound where the provider imaged and d... Read more
Reader Questions:
Choose This Dx Code for Unremarkable Findings
Question: A patient presented to our radiology practice with complaints of sharp rig... Read more
You Be the Coder:
March Toward This Correct Fracture Code
Question: A patient presented to an outpatient radiology practice with sharp pain in ... Read more
CPT® 101:
Get to Know the Cardiac Intraoperative Ultrasound Codes
Learn which codes are specific to CHD conditions. Providers use cardiac intraoperative ul... Read more
Case Study:
Get to Know Osseous Survey Codes With This Radiology Report
Learn the correct sequence for multiple cancer diagnosis codes. As a radiology coder, y... Read more
Artificial Intelligence:
Receive an Assist from AI When Reviewing Imaging Scans
Find out how AI can identify brain injuries from MRI exams. Providers order and use ima... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Know When 7th Character ‘A’ Still Counts
Question: A patient had surgery on their left foot. During a post-operative visit, th... Read more
Reader Questions:
Understand How to Report X-rays Performed by 2 Different Providers
Question: I work in an urgent care facility, and my revenue cycle team is trying to ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Remember to Report Imaging Guidance With 64640
Question: I have a report showing the physician performed neurolysis of the tibial ne... Read more
Reader Questions:
Recognize When to Report Multiple Contrast Units
Question: I'm new to radiology coding and I have a HCPCS Level II coding question. A ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Refer to the Medical Record When No Findings Are Present
Question: I am coding for a radiology encounter from an independent diagnostic testin... Read more
CPT® 101:
Identify What Sets Radiology Thyroid Study Codes Apart
Know when you should report 78014. Radiology coders will confirm that seldom-used codes c... Read more
Diagnosis Deep Dive:
Nail Down Knee Osteoarthritis Codes
Learn the difference between primary and secondary OA. As a radiology coder, you may rece... Read more
Practice Management:
Overcome Query Dread With These Wise Words
Learn how to effectively query a provider for information. Not every patient record or ra... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Pinpoint the Best Codes for This Breast Exam
Question: A 63-year-old patient presented to a radiology practice for a diagnostic ma... Read more
Reader Question:
Know How A- and B-Scan Ultrasounds Differ
Question: I'm new to radiology coding. Could you please explain the difference betwe... Read more
Reader Question:
Learn Which Code Applies to 2-View Bilateral Knee X-rays
Question: A patient presented with bilateral knee pain, and the radiologist captured ... Read more
Reader Question:
Does 96372 Count for Epidural Injections?
Question: A coworker wants me to bill 96372 with transforaminal epidural injections t... Read more
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